I have a long list of things to be done (ie my master decorating plan that I talked about here) and almost all of them are decorating or home improvement items. I have a weekly to-do list and things get crossed off from there on a semi-regular basis. I guess my "honey do" list is the equivalent of my " hmmm... that would be nice for someone (imaginary) else to" list. Items on my list include cleaning the inside of my car, taking care of talking with the car repair mechanic, taking care of the "sink boogers" (yucky stuff left in the drain strainer after you finish dishes), and I'd really, really, really like for someone else to do my laundry and wash my dishes. But I guess those last two don't fit into the "honey do" list category. I got nothing else.
What items are on your honey's to do list? Any drive you crazy?
I have a mile long honey do list, but like you, there is only me to do them. That's ok, I've been single for so long (8 years) that I am used to just doing it myself.