Sunday, December 7, 2014

OMG So much is Happening

Hi there. Sorry about the silence lately. Things have been happening! 

First of all I stopped (again) in the middle of the 30 days of blogging. The funny thing is that I had everything written in a word document and just had to create blog posts. But I didn't get it done. I might do a quick post with all the rest of the blessings just to finish it off. 

My son Forrest has moved out on his own into his first apartment. Such an exciting time for him. I've used this as an excuse to gift him my Crate and Barrel dishes and flatware and purchase new for myself. I'll do a post coming up with what I bought. I'm so happy with it.

My job as nanny for twin 7 year old boys has ended. The family wanted more household help during the day and has decided to hire a full time housekeeper who will also pick the boys up from school in the afternoons. I've been scrambling to find a replacement job. It's a horrible time of year to lose your job with all the holiday expenses. I've got something lined up to start Monday taking care of a 10 and 6 year old girl after school, take them to after school activities, help with homework and get them dinner. I'm nervous about starting a new job, but excited to have employment! It's not as close to home nor are the benefits as nice as my previous job. But I'm happy to have a job doing what I like. 

I've been taking steps to turn my son's bedroom into my sewing room. I need my son to clean out the rest of the stuff he has left behind and either take it, donate it or store it long term in the basement. He's been busy settling into his new job and apartment and life as an adult, but has promised that around Christmas he will help get it done so I can proceed with my sewing room plans. I'm anxious to get my machine set up and get a few projects done. But I haven't forgotten about finishing my bedroom!

I still have Thanksgiving decorations up! I need to get some paperwork done Monday and Tuesday in my free time and then I'll be free to get decorating. I'm just not feeling it again this year. It seems like such high pressure to make things "perfect" when it will only be decorated for 25 days (well only 18 days now). It's only me in the condo. I'm not having any parties or people over. So much work and expense. I think I overwhelm my self with Pinterest and all the possibilities. And you can't read a blog without a Christmas tour of their home and gift guides. Gah! 

As my blog is really a diary for me of changes to my home and things happening in my life, etc I think I'm going to take a few pictures of each room to document where they stand at the beginning of the year. I've made some drastic changes in all rooms but I have a long way to still go. Nothing is close to being finished so I hesitate to post progress pictures. I can *see* what they are going to look like. Just not sure anyone else will be able to. 

So that's whats been up with me. How are you? Are you done decorating for Christmas? Do you feel overwhelmed?

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