Saturday, January 5, 2013

Back to School

On Wednesday I took my son to O'Hare Airport so he could fly back to college. He goes to SCAD in Savannah Georgia. His only break until the end of the school year is Spring Break and he has to work (he is a resident assistant). I won't see him again until June.  It's too expensive to fly home for a weekend visit. Since I miss him so much when he's gone I try to focus on the positives. The condo stays much cleaner for longer when it's only me here. Also there are less dishes to wash, less food to buy and prepare, and I no longer have to share a bathroom. As the holidays are over and I'll have more time with him gone I can focus on getting some rooms finally completed. Now the big challenge will be to not change my mind on the planned designs and actually get things done!

First things first though. I need to "reset" the condo. For me before I tackle new projects I need the condo squeaky clean, with everything put away, laundry done and folded and put away, no outstanding household chores. I never feel like I can work on something new if have to clean the bathroom or am worried about dishes in the sink. Maybe that's why I don't always get things done. I'm waiting for the "perfect" time to get started.

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